Intro to Hotkeys in AutoHotkey v2

Hotkey.Creates,modifies,enables,ordisablesahotkeywhilethescriptisrunning.Hotkey,KeyName[,Label,Options]Hotkey,IfWinActive/Exist[ ...,TheHotkeycommandcreates,modifies,enables,ordisablesahotkeywhilethescriptisrunning.,TheHotkeycommandcreates,modifi...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Hotkey. Creates, modifies, enables, or disables a hotkey while the script is running. Hotkey, KeyName [, Label, Options] Hotkey, IfWinActive/Exist [ ...

Hotkey - Syntax & Usage

The Hotkey command creates, modifies, enables, or disables a hotkey while the script is running.

Hotkey - Syntax & Usage

The Hotkey command creates, modifies, enables, or disables a hotkey while the script is running.

Hotkey - Syntax & Usage

The Hotkey function creates, modifies, enables, or disables a hotkey while the script is running.

Hotkeys (Mouse, Controller and Keyboard Shortcuts)

The Hotkey command can also modify, disable, or enable the script's existing hotkeys individually. Controller hotkeys do not currently support modifier prefixes ...

Hotkeys - Definition & Usage

Learn details about hotkeys in general, modifier symbols, context-sensitive hotkeys, custom combinations, mouse wheel hotkeys, function hotkeys, etc.

How to Write Hotkeys

Basic Hotkeys · Remove # to make the hotkey activate whenever you press N on its own. · Replace # with ^ for Ctrl, ! for Alt or + for Shift, or try combinations.


Hotkey.Creates,modifies,enables,ordisablesahotkeywhilethescriptisrunning.Hotkey,KeyName[,Label,Options]Hotkey,IfWinActive/Exist[ ...,TheHotkeycommandcreates,modifies,enables,ordisablesahotkeywhilethescriptisrunning.,TheHotkeycommandcreates,modifies,enables,ordisablesahotkeywhilethescriptisrunning.,TheHotkeyfunctioncreates,modifies,enables,ordisablesahotkeywhilethescriptisrunning.,TheHotkeycomm...
